Managing an Organization in Groupthink

Creating Your Organization

When you created your Groupthink account, an initial organization was automatically created for you and you are its only member.

To manage your organization, navigate to "Organization Settings" at the bottom of the left-hand navigation bar.

Adding or Removing Organization Members

To add or remove members of the organization, navigate to the Organization Settings tab labeled "Members" to see an editable list of your organization's members.

To invite a member, use the "Invite New Member" buttton and submit their email address.

To remove a member, use the "Remove" button next to their name.

Enabling Auto-Join for Your Domain

Groupthink gives you the option to automatically let other people who sign up and verify their email address with the same email address domain as you to auto-join your Organization. This is an easy way to ensure all the people at a company have access.

Disabling Auto-Join

On the first Organization Settings tab, you will see a button that says "Disable Auto-Join for" with the domain of the email you used to sign up.

Please note, this will only work for company domains, not general domains like

What Organization Members Can See

By default, organization members may view all agendas, recaps, recordings, and documents created by other organization members.

You can still mark agendas as private or remove specific members manually, but by default sharing will be turned on.

External Collaborators on Agendas & Documents

Individuals who meet with you may be granted automatic access to an Agenda or Document if they are an attendee on a calendar event that Groupthink attempts to join. While these individuals will have access to that Agenda and Document(s), they will not be added to your Organization. This ensures that external collaborators may participate in a Meeting and its Agenda without being able to see your other assets within the Organization.