Welcome new (and returning) users!
For those who are seeing this for the first time, we send a daily email with updates on our progress and this is the 15th update. You can reply directly to this message to discuss ways VI can improve with the founders, and we hope you do!
We’ve got a new prototype going that enables you to collaborate with VI in a group setting, and we are looking for current users who would like to try this out with us.
The group dynamics of interacting with a bot are pretty different from 1:1 communication, so if you are a Slack/Teams/chat power-user who works a-sync in groups/channels we especially want to hear from you.
Here’s an example of what a group chat with VI looks like (note the @mention to get VI’s attention):
This feature is on a new domain as well, so please reply to this email if you want to use the newest iteration of VI.
Has anyone else’s Twitter feed gone absolutely nuts with the generative AI craze? Since OpenAI’s ChatGPT went GA on January 9th, it’s like the entire crypto/Web3 cargo cult shifted their focus simultaneously and wading through the noise for some signal is HARD.
While we had early access to OpenAI, we also haven’t been thinking about this market much since we only recently pivoted from Firstparty. That being said, we’ve curated some of the best stuff we’re reading/listening to in hopes you’ll find it helpful. Our editorial bar is simple: the content must be evergreen (not necessarily timely news) and interesting enough that we were able to read/listen to it end-to-end without pausing or giving up.
We’re considering making this section a regular segment in the newsletter, so please send us things you think we should read/watch/listen/use and we’ll consider them for the future