Welcome new (and returning) users!
For those who are seeing this for the first time, we send a daily email with updates on our progress and this is the 13th update. You can reply directly to this message to discuss ways VI can improve with the founders, and we hope you do!
Asking VI About Recent Events
You already know that VI can read content on specific pages, and even search the web for information about a topic – but did you know that VI can also tell you the news?
If you ask VI about something that feels like a “recent” event, VI will perform a “news” search, looking at top hits at that moment to answer your question.
As always, VI will cite sources used to construct an answer, so you can be sure the information your reading is accurate.
Reminder – please use the “Feedback” form or email us if you receive subpar results!
We know the News skill works really well sometimes… and sometimes misses hard. If you’re unhappy with a response, let us know! We’re working hard to improve results and skills.