Mindfulness in Meetings: How to Be More Present with a Chaotic Calendar

Kaitlin Pike

In the U.S., over 55 million meetings are held weekly, yet many of them are unproductive or unnecessary, causing more stress and reactive behavior from employees. This blog post explores how integrating mindfulness into meetings can improve your team’s health and productivity, and how Groupthink’s features make this transformation possible.

Introducing Mindfulness in Meetings

Dysfunctional meetings often lack a clear agenda, proper note-taking, and exceed reasonable time limits, leading to decreased engagement and increased stress for everyone in attendance. Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present and engaged in the moment, can’t fix all of these issues, but when paired with the right meeting tools and training, it can significantly enhance meeting productivity, as a result, employee well-being. 

Beginning meetings with mindfulness exercises, for example, can set a focused and intentional tone. Here are three easy ones:

  • Open the meeting with mindful breaths: Take three breaths, each time breathing in and out through the nose to the count of 8. 
  • Set an intention for the meeting: What do you really want to accomplish as a group today? If you don’t know, do you need to have the meeting?
  • Share gratitude for the others in the meeting: Take a moment to recognize recent achievements from each person and remind them they are valued and needed in the meeting.

How Groupthink Complements Mindfulness

The right tool can give you and your team time back as well as help you focus better while together. Groupthink aids in cultivating a mindful meeting environment through:

  • Automated agenda and note-taking, allowing participants to remain fully present in discussions
  • Integration with Slack, ensuring seamless communication and preparation without overwhelming attendees
  • Compatibility with various conferencing tools like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet, offering flexibility and inclusivity in remote settings

Breathe In, Send Bad Meetings Out

Combining mindfulness practices with Groupthink’s innovative features can significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of meetings. Embrace this approach to foster a more mindful, productive, and engaged meeting culture.

Transform your meetings with Groupthink – try it today for more mindful and efficient team collaborations.